Reiki with Eileen Anderson RN
Reiki for Self-Care
Self-care is a necessity not a luxury, " says
Eileen Anderson, Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner.' Did you know that one could learn Reiki to treat oneself for rest, relaxation and stress reduction? Self Reiki can also increase immunity and resilience. I am now offerring a Reiki -class for self care, together with one of my Master students at The Wallingford Senior Center
Washington ave. Wallingford. In this class ,the student will learn the uses, benefits, history and precepts of Reiki. Most importantly learning and practicing the hand placements for treating oneself. This class will only cover self-treatment, not treatment of others. For those who want to treat others we offer another 4 hours of Class time.
The classes will be 4 Thursday ams in March
Time & Date : March 6th 9:30-11:30am
March 13th 9:30-10:30am
March 20th 9:30-10:30am
March 27th 9:30-10:30am
Investment $80 for all 4 sessions
Location : Wallingford Senior Center
Washington Ave
Wallingford, Ct
Register: call 203-265-7753
More Information: Contact: Eileen Anderson