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Class Testimonials

“I have taken many classes in my 70 years and I extremely enjoyed every minute of the Reiki Class I took from Eileen Anderson. She is kind, professional, knowledgeable and easy to understand. The class was relaxing and I truly would recommend it to anyone who is interested. You are missing out if you do not take it.”

— Jane N.

“I am so thankful that I can call Eileen my Reiki master. She is a fantastic teacher. I am most grateful for her compassion, flexibility and professional approach when I was so new to this practice. She has made it a very positive experience for me, one I will practice into the future with enthusiasm for the countless rewards Reiki offers.”

“Thank you, Eileen, for coming into my life at just the right time.”

— Diane

“Taking Eileen's class was easy and enjoyable. She was patient and thorough and I felt at peace throughout the entire time. Today as I'm doing Reiki I can go back to those moments and instantly feel at peace.”
— Anne-Marie C.M.

“I enjoyed taking Reiki classes with Eileen! She was clear, knowledgeable and answered questions with ease!”

— Connie B.

“I am so grateful that I was led to Eileen's Reiki I class. It exceeded my expectations and she made me feel welcome throughout the course. Eileen told relevant stories and was open to answer any questions we had. I felt well-informed and left each class feeling at peace, centered, and prepared to practice on my own. I am looking forward to taking Reiki II with Eileen!”
— Jennifer O.

“Really enjoyed the class and my classmates, and Eileen you are a wonderful teacher can’t wait to take Reiki 2. Thank you!”
— Nicole D.

“Eileen Anderson is an EXCELLENT Reiki teacher. I was very blessed to have her as my teacher. I took Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 classes with her and I highly recommend her! If you want to become a Reiki Practitioner to help yourself and others, please contact Eileen. She is absolutely fantastic!!!!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)

— Lisa B.

"I loved this so much. Always wanted to do it. Eileen is amazing. She is a calm, educated    and patient instructor!"

__Laura C. "

 Thank you!! I’m so glad that you are my teacher- you are an amazing one and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you!

Anyone looking to learn reiki should definitely take the courses from you!

__Nancy P Ray of Light Reiki

Thank you Eileen for being a great teacher. It was a wonderful experience. I have learned so much and feel my life is better using the precepts too. I am looking forward to using Reiki to help myself and others.🙏☺️

__Patty G

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